We, or I guess I should say "I", had quite a scare on Halloween night. I was literally scared Shrek-LESS. Our friends across the street had everyone over for dinner and trick or treating. When it began to get dark, all of the parents and kids were ready to start trick or treating. Our friends had a great idea to use a 4 wheeler and a trailer filled with hay to drive all the kids around the neighborhood to trick or treat. I thought this was a pretty original idea until we started making our way through the neighborhood. I quickly realized our idea wasn't as original as I had thought. We counted at least 3 other trailers filled with kids driving through the neighborhood!
Between the trailers filled with kids, and the trick or treaters on foot, our neighborhood seemed to be complete mayhem! There were kids darting across the street everywhere! I have to say, I've never seen anything quite like it! Well, after about an hour of trick or treating, our little strawberry and Shrek were done. They had had enough. So we decided to take them back to our friends house and let them just relax and play.
The last thing I remember Aaron saying to me was, "Katey, I am leaving the camera and Blake here with you. I am going to go back out with the big kids on the trailer." I said, "OK" and went about my business. Well, a few minutes later, one of the girls that was with us came in and said that her little girl (who is also 2 years old like Blake) had gone missing, and when they found her she had climbed up on a trailer with another group of people! About that time, I looked around and realized that Blake was nowhere to be found. I didn't panic at first, I just assumed he was in the backyard playing or something, but as we started searching the house with no success, I started to freak!
I ran outside to see if I could see my little Shrek anywhere, but it was dark and there were SO many kids everywhere, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack! I ran down our street, and our friend Jeff ran down the next street looking, but neither one of us found him. That is about the time I really began to panic. All I could think was that he had crawled on someone else's trailer and was driving around the neighborhood with complete strangers. I think only about 5 minutes had passed, but it felt like 5 hours!! About that time, my friend Jamie,said, "Call Aaron and see if Blake is on the trailer with him." Long story short, we finally got through to someone riding on our trailer and they said Blake had gotten on with Aaron at the last minute before the trailer pulled out from the house."
Talk about a scare!!! I have never "lost" one of my kids until last night, and let me tell you, it is the SCARIEST feeling in the world. I was so relieved to find out he was OK. In the end, Aaron said that he thought I saw Blake get on the trailer with him, so that is why he didn't think to come tell me that he was taking Blake with him after all. Um, NO!! I didn't see that and they just about gave me a heart attack!!
Thankfully, after we found Blake, I was able to pull myself together and enjoy the rest of my night, but seriously, that was by far the scariest thing ever!